Mar. 2024: A paper on auditing NSFW classifiers for content filtering accepted at FAccT 2024.
Feb. 2024: A paper on bias transfer from synthetic images accepted at CVPR 2024.
Feb. 2024: A paper on LLM evaluation accepted at LREC-COLING 2024.
Jan. 2024: I am co-organizing the MUWS 2024 workshop at ICMR 2024.
Nov. 2023: Our work has been reproduced at the ML Reproducibility Challenge 2022! A big thanks to the authors for choosing our paper 🙏
Nov. 2023: I am delivering a talk about Text-to-Image Models in Art and Society at the Rethinking the ethics of AI symposium at Doshisha University.
Oct. 2023: I am co-organizing the MUWS 2023 workshop at CIKM 2023.
Sep. 2023: A paper accepted at NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks track.
Aug. 2023: I will return to work by the end of August 👋.
Apr. 2023: I am on maternity leave. It may take a while to answer emails.
Apr. 2023: I will be an invited speaker at CVPR 2023 NICE Workshop.
Apr. 2023: Yuta Nakashima as PI and I as Co-PI have been awarded a 5-year JSPS Kakenhi grant KIBAN A.
Apr. 2023: A paper on text-to-image generation for art analysis accepted at ICMR 2023.
Mar. 2023: Our paper "Uncurated Image-Text Datasets: Shedding Light on Demographic Bias" has been selected as a highlight at CVPR 2023 (2.5% of submissions).
Feb. 2023: Two papers on the topic of bias in vision and language accepted at CVPR 2023.
Aug. 2022: I am participating in a panel about DALL-E and art history at the Digital Art History Summer School 2022.
Aug. 2022: A preprint about knowledge transfer in vision and language published in arxiv.
Aug. 2022: Our team won the ICPR 2022 ODOR challenge for olfactory object recognition in paintings.
Aug. 2022: I am visiting the Visual Recognition Group at CTU in Prague for a week, where I will present our work on societal bias.
Jul. 2022: I will serve as area chair for BMVC 2022.
Jul. 2022: I am co-organizing a tutorial at DH 2022.
Apr. 2022: I will be a keynote speaker at the Computer Vision for Fashion, Art, and Design workshop at CVPR 2022.
Apr. 2022: A paper accepted at ACM FAccT 2022.
Mar. 2022: I am co-organizing 2 workshops at ECCV 2022: VISART and the Instance-Level Recognition workshop.
Mar. 2022: A paper accepted at CVPR 2022 as an oral.
Mar. 2022: I've been awarded a 4-year JSPS Kakenhi grant.
Oct. 2021: A paper accepted at BMVC 2021.
Oct. 2021: A paper accepted at NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks track.
July 2021: A paper accepted at ICCV 2021.
Jun. 2021: I will serve as Area Chair at BMVC 2021.
May 2021: I was selected as a CVPR 2021 outstanding reviewer.
May 2021: I've been promoted to Assistant Professor!
A big thank you to everybody who has supported me so far, especially professors, colleagues, and students at ISLab.
Apr. 2021: A paper accepted at ICMR 2021.
Apr. 2021: I am co-organizing the Instance-Level Recognition workshop at ICCV 2021.
Feb. 2021: I gave a talk at CAI+CAI workshop.
Nov. 2020: A paper accepted at WACV 2021.
July 2020: A paper accepted at ECCV 2020.